Monday, January 25, 2010

Some Notes About the Campaign

Many details about the campaign I'm going to keep secret until we actually play as a good magician does not reveal his magic tricks before the show. But I want to convey as much as I can in these series of blog posts in order to help you shape a character that you will feel fits within the setting.

Some of my inspirations have been the traditional Dark Sun campaign setting, the "Golden Age" of history where the Assyrian empire hired court sorcerers, and the God of War video games. It's not the stone age, but people are far from industry. People say "by the Gods" and blame demons and witches for their bad crops.

If I were to pick an artist to illustrate the storyboard for the campaign, it would be Frank Frazetta, hands down (with the assistance of Brom). The images of Conan the Barbarian wrestling with a giant snake or a wizard unleashing some demonic horror are fresh in my mind.

"Conans & Dragons" however is a limiting description. It's restraining to the imagination because the world is actually overly-fantastical in theme. What is overly-fantastical? Think Neverending Story, Zelda, Narnia, or Pan's Labyrinth. Instead of kings and armies, you've got ruling mages in spiraling towers. You may have noticed that some of my previous ideas have almost been like they came from a kid's storybook--much different than the historically based world of Conan.

Instead of some vast metropolis, the adventures will take place on the stage of hostile wilderness--a stonehenge druid altar of storms or a cave of dark priests of Lolth. While PCs will not be "planescaping", the planes will nonetheless play a major part in everything.

Matt had a "Golden Age" campaign that borrowed from Greek and Arabian Mythology and the like. I wouldn't say this is the same, as there are no vast empires or direct historical parallels.

I am also creating a few new races and classes that correspond with Scourge. Among them will probably be variations of tieflings, more monster hybrid races and more arcane classes (like a supplement for an Arcane Leader instead of a stupid Bard).

Besides these, psionic and shadow classes will be prevalent as they will most likely make an appearance come summer--about the time we start playing.

Now, these Towers aren't as blatantly themed as Raza was, i.e. a tower of Fire, a tower of Lightning, etc. While they will be unique in host, location, and purpose, the world is not as divided when it comes to race or class.

Truth be told, it's basically a traditional D&D campaign. The only real change is the story.

So, if you feel so eager, you may start brainstorming with me some sort of new character or you may wait until I post some more details.

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