Note on Firearms:
Due to their wildly varying weight and level of imprecision, every firearm is unique in its aim and feel. A player may only be "proficient" in one specific firearm at a time, meaning that they are accustomed to the feel of a single firearm weapon which they choose during a short rest. Consequently, any attack made with a second or third firearm during the same battle does not include a proficiency bonus.
Essentially, this is to prevent characters from exclusively using firearms in battle. You get "one shot" with a firearm per encounter. After that, shooting becomes inaccurate and inefficient.
Simple two-handed ranged weapon
Cost: 100 gp
Damage: 2d10
Proficient: +2
Range: 10/20
Weight: 10 lb.
Load Short Rest
High Crit
Matchlock Pistol
Simple one-handed ranged weapon
Cost: 100 gp
Damage: 2d8
Proficient: +2
Range: 5/10
Weight: 5 lb.
Load Short Rest
High Crit
The following combat rules are designed to help with "the grind", to add randomness to the encounter.
1-10 No additional effect or benefit
11 Tactical Hit - You may slide the target 1 square
12 Leg Wound - Target is slowed (save ends)
13 Overwhelming Hit - Target is knocked prone
14 Heavy Hit - Target takes an 1d10 damage
15 Disabling Hit - Target grants C.A. (save ends)
16 Armor Split - Target has -1 AC for the enc
17 Arm Wound - Target is weakened (save ends)
18 Head Wound - Target is dazed (save ends)
19 Opportunity Hit - You may make a basic attack against the same target
20 Fatal Wound - Target is slain
1 Weapon Breakage - Your weapon or implement breaks
2 Friendly Fire - An ally within range or you take 1d10
3 Grant Opportunity - You grant an O.A. to target
4 Grant Advantage - You grant C.A. until the E.O.Y.N.T.
5 Stumble - You are slowed until the E.O.Y.N.T.
6 Trip - You fall prone
7 Hand Injury - You have -2 to attacks until the E.O.Y.N.T.
8 Drop Weapon - Your weapon falls to an adjacent square
9 Lose Focus - You lose the rest of your actions this turn
10 Fatal Wound - Target is slain11-20 No additional effect or penalty
Given the DM's discretion, a player may declare a melee attack as a called shot with a -4, -6, or -10 penalty in order to mimic the effects of the Critical Hit table. This special attack also incurs an Opportunity Attack and can only be a melee attack (sorry spellcasters). Eg. a called shot "to the leg" would incur a -4 penalty to the attack roll but include the added effect of slowing the target.
You deliberately put yourself in extreme danger in order to get your opponent right where you want them, then you hope for the best.
Free Action • Personal
Effect: You provoke an opportunity attack from a creature. If this attack hits, it is considered a critical hit. If your next attack against this creature hits, it is considered a critical hit. If the creature is unable to make an opportunity attack against you, then your next attack is considered a normal hit.
Creatures will be vulnerable and resistant to damage types more often. Undead types will more frequently be weak against fire and radiant, and constructs against thunder and lightning, etc.
New psuedo-Skill = Engineering
Since technology has more commonplace in the world, it is assumed that anyone with any sort of technical training has also picked up this skill. Hence, all classes automatically get this skill, but its bonus is equivalent to whichever of the following skills is highest: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Religion, Thievery
It is NOT A NEW SKILL because players should not sacrifice other potentially beneficial skills for flavor's sake.
They have always been a Planescape favorite but unfortunately 4e did a terrible job with them. Psionics will undergo mass reflavoring. Battlemind is now "Psion: Psychic Warrior" which is a defender that use Intelligence to attack. Monk is a martial class.